Vaughn accepted Jesus as his Savior at the age of six while lost out in the Arizona desert. After wandering for a full day in the scorching rattlesnake infested Arizona desert without food and very little water, Vaughn was frightened and hopeless.   He continued wandering late into the cold desert night with no flashlight, feeling his way through the darkness trying not to fall into a hole or get snake bit.  Hungry, thirsty, exhausted, terrified, crying and shivering with cold, Vaughn searched the darkness for even the smallest light in the distance that might guide him to a house and rescue.  There was none.  Utter hopelessness set in as he realized that he would not survive the night. Then a name came to his mind that he had heard his father says could save people.  That name was, Jesus.  Standing there in the middle of the darkness, Vaughn closed his little eyes and prayed; “Jesus, I know dad says you can save people.  If you are real, I need you to save me.  I am afraid and cold.  Please save me.”  As Vaughn prayed he felt something like a warm drop of oil fall on his head.  It began to spread downward over his whole body.  As it did, he felt all the cold and fear leave him.  It was replaced with a feeling of overwhelming joy and a sense of immense power.  Although his physical situation was impossibly bleak, Vaughn felt complete assurance and confidence that he was going to be all right.  Without moving from his spot he closed his eyes again and prayed, “Jesus, show me the way home.”  When he opened his eye, Vaughn found himself in the town of Sierra Vista a short distance from where his house was. 


That was over 40 years ago. From that day on Vaughn knew that God saved him for a special purpose. He has dedicated his life to the service of God even from that early age.  Being the son of a pioneer missionary that worked with primitive tribes throughout Central and South America, Vaughn grew up in many diverse cultures.  At the age of fourteen Vaughn made his first solo evangelistic trip to some remote desert villages in Mexico, with nothing but his Bible, a small bag, and the same faith that the first disciples had on their first trip.  Later that year Vaughn and his father would travel to the then communist South American country of Guyana to preach the Gospel to primitive Amazonian tribes.  After months of persecution at the hands of the communist government, Vaughn and his father were arrested and were shipped off to prison where they faced the possibility of torture and death.  Through the direct intervention of the miraculous hand of God, Vaughn and his father were able to escape their captors in Guyana and flee to the country of Brazil where they later established the Amazon Mission.  The Amazon Mission lasted for over 20 years and was dedicated to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus to the tribes of the Amazon.  It was here that Vaughn met his wife Irina, who was the granddaughter of Elka, the High Chief of the Wai Wai nation.  Vaughn and Irina (Irene in English), have been married for over 28 years and have three children.  In 2006 Vaughn and his father Larry started The Good News Camp in Abilene, TX.  The Good News Camp is a life rehabilitation center where Vaughn uses his God given gift of discipleship and immense spiritual warfare training as well as his multicultural life experience to help people rebuild their life foundation on the solid clear teachings of the Word of God and their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.






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